Extract from our white paper: “Increasing efficiency with the help of multi-carrier shipping software and freight cost management”.

Do you ship your goods with different carriers? Then you are probably familiar with these problems:

» Different carrier systems/ web portals in use (isolated solutions).

» Double data maintenance in separate individual systems

» High manual effort for shipment processing

» Lack of data flow due to missing interfaces

» Unreliability of systems and partners

The good news: Whether you print 100 or 100,000 labels per day – with the Heidler HVS32 shipping software you will demonstrably simplify your work!

With around 300 carrier modules, the HVS32 offers a comprehensive basis for optimising your dispatch processes. More than 1,000 customers already benefit from the system and save time that can be profitably used for other tasks.

The implementation of the Heidler shipping system alone has optimised our logistics to a great extent. But with the hardware solutions for volume and weight measurement, we have ignited an efficiency turbo for our logistics processes.

C. Schneider

Prokurist & Supply Chain Manager, Schrauben-Jäger AG

Fast to ROI

We have designed the HVS32 to ensure that our customers are as efficient and cost-saving as possible, thereby achieving ROI quickly.

In combination with the Heidler Freight Cost Management System (HFMS), the break-even point can occur after just three months!

If no automation has been used so far, the ROI occurs even sooner with the Heidler solutions.

Immediately in operation

You don’t want to lose any time? Then opt for our software solution now: A large number of our customers confirm that HVS32 optimises the shipping process within a very short time. We also set a high pace for continuous adaptation – new carriers are usually integrated within two weeks.

This was an excerpt from our white paper “Increasing efficiency with the help of multi-carrier shipping software and freight cost management” – you can find the free download link of the entire white paper below: